What's This All About . . .
Photography, Education & a Whole Lotta Fun
Haven't you ever wanted to just cut loose and leave it all behind? Even for just a couple of days. I do . . . all the time, actually. Try a Soul Road Trip. This is the kind of break I treat myself too. Why don't ya come along?

Jeff Johnson
Master Photographer | Artist | Educator | Chief Instigator
M., Photog., Cr., CPP., Fellow - PPColorado
I am offering single and multiple day road trips in various locations and themes. We might go to a junk yard and create art images from someone else's junk. We might head to the mountains and capture a sunset over Hoosier Pass. How about visiting an old mining town like Victor or Cripple Creek. Or let's spend the day doing macro-photography of flowers. Nice, huh?
The first days of each road trip we will be in the field learning to pre-visualize, seeing the light, photographing and enjoying the experience. Some of the Road Trips offer an additional day in the classroom for post-processing and enhancing your images. I will share with you the tips and techniques that I use to create my style of imagery while you polish-up your Photoshop skills.
You will need your camera and shooting gear for in the field. The classroom will require your laptop or desktop computer, (if so inclined) and the latest version of Photoshop and Lightroom. Please have these software titles installed and working before you arrive for a Road Trip, I will also be using the NIK Software suite. (Also have this installed and working before you arrive). You need not buy these before hand just download a 15 or 30 day FREE trial. We'll play and then you can decide if you want to purchase or not.
A list of the 2024 Road Trips . . . just click HERE
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Havana, Cuba

Downtown Havana, Cuba
Dance of The Aspen

Towering Aspen

Sunset Surf